When to React.....?

I dont even know the structure to this post and who it is inteded for but I feel compelled to write it…. the past 2 years have been the most crazy, almost unbelievle time to be alive and conscious. Not only beacuse I have gone through pregnancy, child birth and am experiencing motherhood for the first time - but beacue of what is going on universally. I keep hoping its all a dream and I will awaken to a maskless free world again.

Regardless to your opinion or medical status currently on ‘what to believe, what is the truth and what is real anymore’… Our freedom to choose, travel and enter social spaces freely should not cause more separation as a species. Its our time to work together, grow together, evolve together, learn together and stand for freedom - not be manipulated by corruption or mass linear media……

to be continued….

Michelle Berrange